HC Deb 14 December 1939 vol 355 c1308W
Mr. Groves

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that medical practitioners travel six, seven, eight and 10 miles to Romford in Essex to examine recruits; and why it is considered necessary to introduce general practitioners from outside Romford for this purpose when the practitioners in that town are fully qualified to carry out the services required?

Mr. E. Brown

The members of the two medical boards held at Romford are drawn from panels, containing the names of 25 practitioners, residing mainly in East London and Essex, supplied by the British Medical Association to the medical officers of the Ministry of Health. I do not think it would be right to confine the opportunity of undertaking this work to medical men residing in the immediate locality. Any practitioners in Romford who desire to offer their services can communicate with the secretary of the local emergency committee of the British Medical Association in order that they may be considered when further appointments are made.