HC Deb 04 April 1939 vol 345 c2630W
Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether he is aware that in Southern Rhodesia with an estimated population in 1936 of 1,243,000 natives and 55,408 Europeans there were 1,056 sentences of corporal punishment inflicted on native prisoners, while in Northern Rhodesia with a population in 1934 of 1,366,425 natives and 9,900 Europeans there were only 292 such punishments; and whether, in view of the disparity between these two sets of figures for adjoining British territories, he will have an inquiry made to ascertain the reason for the greater number and proportion of sentences for corporal punishment in Southern Rhodesia?

Sir T. Inskip

Detailed information as to the sentences of corporal punishment in Southern Rhodesia for 1938 has been received from the Government of Southern Rhodesia, and I shall be glad to show the returns to the hon. Member. With nine exceptions, all these sentences were for punishments with a cane.