HC Deb 21 December 1938 vol 342 c2907W
Mr. J. Griffiths

asked the Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence whether he will consult with the Departments concerned with the establishment and working of Government factories in connection with the rearmament programme, with a view to securing that all the labour required at those factories shall be recruited through the Employment Exchanges, and that a proportion of the vacancies notified shall be filled by unemployed persons 45 years of age and over?

Sir T. Inskip

I am informed that it is the practice that all Government factories should obtain their labour requirements through the medium of the local Employment Exchanges. Heads of establishments have power to engage men over 45 years of age if considered suitable, hut, while I have every sympathy with the hon. Member's solicitude for unemployed persons over that age, it is not practicable to lay down any such rules as he suggests. The primary consideration must necessarily be the ability of the persons concerned to do the work required of them.

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