HC Deb 23 November 1937 vol 329 cc1052-3W
Mr. Thorne

asked the Minister of Health whether he can give the House any information in connection with the appeal made to the Northumberland public assistance committee by the inspector of anatomy for the Ministry of Health, making a request for the bodies of casuals dying in the institution for the purpose of dissection?

Mr. Bernays

The request made to the Northumberland County Council by the Inspector of Anatomy with my right hon. Friend's authority was that in the interests of medical education they should, in exercise of their powers under the Anatomy Acts, 1832 and 1871, permit the anatomical examination in the School of Medicine of the University of Durham at Newcastle-upon-Tyne of the bodies, prior to interment, of any persons under their charge who die without being claimed by relatives for immediate burial. Arrangements of this kind are in operation in many areas, but the matter is one which lies within the discretion of the local authority, and I understand that the Northumberland County Council have, after consideration, decided not to exercise their powers in the manner suggested.