HC Deb 18 March 1937 vol 321 c2274W
Sir W. Jenkins

asked the Home Secretary what has been the additional cost upon local authorities of mobile police in England and Wales since 1931, giving each year separately to date; and what grant has been allowed from the Road Fund for each year?

Sir J. Simon

I regret that the information asked for in the first part of the question is not available. As regards the second, following is a statement giving the amounts paid from the Road Fund year by year from 1931 to 1936 on account of police vehicles used on motor patrol. The hon. Member will, of course, appreciate that these payments are made only in respect of the cost of the vehicles used on motor patrol, and not the cost of personnel.

Motor Patrol Vehicles.
Payments of Grant from Road Fund.
1931 63,298
1932 98,590
1933 89,62o
1934 134,016
1935 133,183
1936 176,377

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