HC Deb 17 March 1936 vol 310 cc247-8W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that imports of zinc are increasing; and what steps he proposes to take to protect the zinc-smelting industry in the United Kingdom?


The rate of duty on zinc was revised in August last on the recommendation of the Import Duties Advisory Committee. In their report on the working of the agreements regarding lead and zinc which were concluded at Ottawa, the committee referred to the part that an international agreement among producers might take in safeguarding the position in this market, and


The number of persons convicted for offences in connection with automatic gaining machines in Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen in each of the five years 1931–35 is as follows:

stated that in the absence of such an agreement the duty on zinc might prove inadequate. The committee also stated that in these circumstances they would not hesitate to recommend such measures as might prove to be necessary to protect the home industry against external competition. It is understood that negotiations for an international agreement among zinc producers are now proceeding and if these should prove unsuccessful the Government will not fail to keep in mind the needs of the zinc industry in the United Kingdom.