HC Deb 02 April 1936 vol 310 cc2168-71W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he can give the following particulars in respect to insured and uninsured persons registered at the Ferndale, Porth, Tonypandy and Treorchy exchanges: the number of unemployed, giving the figures separately for males and females, insured and uninsured, for the month of February, 1936, and the number in receipt of unemployment benefit and unemployment assistance, respectively; the percentage of insured persons unemployed at each of the exchanges during the month of February, 1936; the number of unemployed persons registered at each of the exchanges and within the age groups 14–15, 15–16, 16–17, 17–18, 18–19, and

Unemployed persons on the registers of the Ferndale, Forth, Tonypandy and Treorchy Employment Exchanges at 24th February, 1936, and the percentages unemployed among insured persons, aged 16–64, at that date.
Ferndale. Porth. Tonypandy. Treorchy.
Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females.
(1) Numbers of unemployed on registers:
(a) persons aged 14–64, insured under the Unemployment Insurance Act. 4,804 58 3,859 67 4,988 162 5,177 70
(b) uninsured persons:
(i) aged 14 and under 21 years.* 208 179 249 145 381 287 175 142
(ii) aged 21 years and over. 17 6 38 6 7 39 9
(c) Total 5,029 243 4,146 218 5,369 456 5,391 221
(2) Insured persons aged 16–64 included in item 1 (c) above:
(a) with claims admitted for insurance benefit. 1,525 28 1,080 36 712 84 1,458 30
(b) with applications authorised for unemployment allowances. 3,110 24 2,646 19 4,070 49 3,656 33
(c) whose position under the First Statutory Condition had not been determined. 16 1 15 9 2 4
(3) Percentages unemployed among insured persons aged 16–64† 69.3 33.8 46.3 28.8 47.9 34.7 32.4 31.7
(4) Numbers of unemployed persons included in item 1 (c) above who were aged:
(a) 14 and 15 years‡ 185 172 228 126 360 258 140 110
(b) 16 and 17 years‡ 165 11 108 24 118 34 111 31
(c) 18 and under 21 years‡ 286 12 186 28 197 71 258 30
* Separate particulars are not available as to the numbers aged 15 and under 21: or as to the numbers, included in the totals shown, who have never followed an insurable occupation.
† The percentages shown are calculated by relating the numbers recorded at the respective Exchanges as unemployed at 24th February, 1936, to the estimated numbers insured at July, 1935, based on the number of unemployment books exchanged at the same Employment Exchanges. In the calculation of the percentages the numbers of unemployment books still remaining lodged at the Exchanges belonging to certain workpeople who had ceased to register as unemployed, but were not known to have obtained employment, have been taken into account.
‡ Separate figures are not available in respect of each individual year of age.

19–20; the number of persons registered at each of the exchanges between the ages of 15 and 21 years who have hitherto followed no insurable occupation; and how many men were employed, separately, on the surface and underground during the month of February, 1936, at each of the collieries within the area of each exchange?


The following table gives the information desired, so far as it is available in my Department:

With regard to the last part of the question my hon. Friend the Secretary for

Wage-earners (below and above ground)* on colliery books for week ended 29th February, 1936 at mines situated in the areas of Ferndale, Porth, Tonypandy and Treorchy Employment Exchanges.
Employment Exchange. Colleries. Number of wage-earners on colliery books.
Ferndale Ferndale No. 1 2 (Maintenance).
Ferndale No. 5 495
Tylorstown No. 6 22 (Maintenance).
Tylorstown No. 7 15 (Maintenance).
Tylorstown No. 8 19 (Maintenance).
Tylorstown No. 9 819
Porth Bertie 648
Trefor 584
Cymmer 1,410
Standard 18 (Maintenance).
National Nos. 1 and 2 412
Tonypandy Glamorgan No. 1 (Llwynypia) 245
Glamorgan No. 2 (Llwynypia) 348
Cambrian Nos. 1 and 2 400
Cambrian No. 4 1,075
Blaenclydach 627
Pandy 595
Anthony 57
Gelli, Steam 111 (Maintenance).
Gelli, Abergorky 208
Nebo 336
Treorchy Fernhill No. 1 541
Fernhill No. 2 391
Fernhill No. 3 130
Fernhill No. 4 605
Glenrhondda 315
Tydraw 155 (Maintenance).
Pentre 54 (Maintenance).
Bute 922
Abergorky 51 (Maintenance).
Ynysfaio 7 (Maintenance).
Park No. 1 1,394
Park No. 2
Dare 688
Maindy 296
Eastern 292
* Separate figures for underground workers and surface workers are not available.