HC Deb 08 April 1935 vol 300 cc810-3W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the number of men and women, respectively, employed in each of the following staff groups of the Civil Service as on 1st April, 1924, and on 1st April, 1934: administrative, general executive, general clerical, writing assistant, established shorthand-typist and typist; other executive, departmental clerical, unestablished clerical, unestablished typing, assessors, collectors of taxes, &c., inspectorate, professional, scientific and technical, subordinate supervisory and technical, minor and manipulative, messengers, porters, cleaners, &c.?


The earliest date for which information regarding the numbers employed in the Civil Service is available in the form required by the hon. Member is 1st January, 1928. The statement below accordingly shows the position at that date and at 1st April, 1934. A further statement is appended showing the total number of established and unestablished officers, male and female, employed on 1st April, 1924.

Non-Industrial Staffs Employed in Government Departments on 1st January, 1928, and 1st April, 1934
Grade group 1stJanuary, 1928. 1stApril,1934.
Established. Others. Total. Established. Others. Total.
Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female.
Administrative 1,075 17 56 2 1,131 19 1,182 24 28 1 1,210 25
General Executive 3,966 137 36 4,002 137 4,030 225 4 4,034 225
Other Executive 9,868 410 375 70 10,243 480 10,980 477 143 42 11,123 519
General Clerical 17,324 5,883 10,118 1,078 27,442 6,961 23,193 6,463 9,745 1,544 32,938 8,007
Other Clerical. 14,382 1,677 4,824 826 19,206 2,503 17,617 3,302 702 178 18,319 3,480
Writing Assistants 4,738 176 4,914 7,136 200 7,336
Typing Grades 67 3,883 53 3,097 120 6,980 49 6,200 27 2,704 76 8,904
Inspectorate 1,531 410 146 5 1,677 415 1,714 429 59 2 1,773 431
Professional Scientific and Technical. 4,275 30 1,871 41 6,146 71 4,826 54 1,503 35 6,329 89
Subordinate Supervisory and Technical. 5,494 109 2,368 642 7,862 751 6,215 239 2,742 610 8,957 849
Minor and Manipulative 88,758 26,749 44,215 15,388 132,973 42,137 92,401 25,567 45,259 14,533 137,660 40,100
Messengers, Porters, Women Cleaners, etc 1,038 73 8,255 7,243 9,293 7,316 984 14 8,802 7,295 9,786 7,309
Unestabliahed Assessors, Collectors, Distributors, and Clerks to Commissioners of Income Tax. 3,974 72 3,974 72 2,340 55 2,340 55
Totals 147,778 44,116 76,291 28,640 224,069 72,756 163,191 50,130 71,354 27,199 234,545 77,329
The above, figures exclude:—
War Department and Air Ministry Outstations Staffs numbering 8,210 on 1st January, 1928, and 8,289 on 1st April,1934.
Ministry of Labour Branch Managers, who are paid by fees, numbering 740 on1st January', 1928, and 711 on 1st April, 1934.
Staffs engaged on Reserved or Agency Services in Ireland, numbering5,020 on 1stJanuary,1928,and 5,009 on 1st April, 1934, as their cost is met finally from Irish revenues.
Admiralty Staffs abroad.

Non-industries staffs, established and unestablished, employed in government Department on 1st April 1924.
male 223,623
female 72,998

The above figures exclude:

Outstations staffs of the Was Department and Air Ministry numbering 5,506.

Branch Managers in the Ministry of Labour, who were paid by fees and numbers 743.

Staff numbering 4,972 engaged on Reserved or Agency Services in Ireland as their cost was finally met from Irish revenue.

Admiralty Staffs abroad.

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