HC Deb 29 March 1934 vol 287 c2141W
Lieut.-Colonel TODD

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will give the House information regarding the beating of three Arab leaders in gaol during the recent troubles in Palestine; upon whose order this was carried out; and what steps the Government are taking in the matter?


Three Arab leaders arrested in connection with the disturbances at Jaffa on 27th October, 1933, complained that they had been struck after arrest by a British police officer, and by order of the High Commissioner a special inquiry was conducted by the Attorney-General of Palestine. The inquiry showed that the statements of the three complainants were inconsistent with each other in material particulars, but it was established that one of them had been struck by the officer who had, in fact, prior to the inquiry, admitted having done this. After taking into account certain extenuating circumstances, the High Commissioner has, with my approval, inflicted a suitable punishment for this offence.

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