HC Deb 21 February 1934 vol 286 cc355-6W

asked the Prime Minister whether he will give time for the discussion of the Motion standing in the name of the hon. Member for Penrith and Cockermouth (Mr. Dixey)— That this House is of opinion that the time has now come for the Government to inquire fully into the position of the

Statement showing the disposal of Canadian Cattle imported into Great Britain during each month from January, 1933, to January, 1934, inclusive.
(From monthly returns furnished by Ministry's Port Inspectors.)
Month. (a) Slaughtered at Landing Place. Licensed out of Landing Place for immediate slaughter. Licensed out of Landing Place to premises other than slaughter-houses. Total.
January 122 188 225 535
February 1,104 764 905 2,773
March 673 914 1,163 2,750
April 1,362 1,185 1,216 3,763
May 962 1,074 1,506 3,542
June 2,026 1,129 1,711 4,866
July 2,194 2,225 2,377 6,796
August 1,976 1,484 1,047 4,507
September 2,808 1,620 1,631 6,059
October 2,134 1,508 1,955 5,597
November 1,626 1,280 1,644 4,550
December 1,529 1,724 1,190 4,443
January 1,532 1,170 1,164 3,866
(a) The monthly figures represent totals of the figures for weeks ending Saturdays falling within the month.

British Broadcasting Corporation and the expenditure of its finances; and, in addition, that the question of the monopoly position of this corporation and the effect of the same should be now considered in the interests of the nation.


I regret that I can hold out no hope of time being found for discussion of the Motion standing in the name of my hon. Friend.