HC Deb 25 October 1932 vol 269 cc824-5W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether with regard to the letter he has received from the Malta Labour party protesting against the action of the Governor of Malta in ordering proceedings to be taken against members of the Labour party for taking part in an illegal demonstration whilst members of other parties guilty of similar offences are not being prosecuted, he proposes to make any inquiries into the matter?


I have already obtained a full report from the Governor of Malta and find the position to be as follows:

The Governor issued a Proclamation on 18th May, prohibiting demonstrations in certain places. During the elections demonstrations were held by all three of the local political parties contrary to the Governor's Proclamation, but I am informed that the demonstrations held by the Nationalist and Constitutional parties were of an orderly character and that the demonstrators obeyed the instructions of the police. Their offences, therefore, were of a technical nature only and the Governor decided not to institute proceedings against members of the two parties, but warned the party leaders that criminal action would be taken if the offence was repeated. The members of the Labour party, on the other hand, did not limit themselves to mere demonstrations but disobeyed the orders of the police. It was reported that they threw stones at the Nationalist demonstrators, causing injury to several persons. After considering a police report on the inci.

Description. 1929 1930 1931
Cinematograph films for the purpose of the exhibition of pictures or other optical effects by means of a cinematagraph or other similar apparatus: £ £ £
Blank film on which no picture has been impressed 160,839 163,854 202,662
Exposed films:
Positivtes, i.e., films containing a picture for exhibition whether developed or not. 195,588 269,209 139,223
Negatives, i.e., films containing a photograph, whether developed or not, from which positives can be printed. 797,558 315,670 133,167
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