HC Deb 22 December 1932 vol 273 cc1245-6W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the ages and ratings of the lower-deck promotions to sub-lieutenant and sub-lieutenant (E) in 1931; and the ages between which cadetentry officers are promoted to these ranks?


Twelve ratings, all able seamen, were promoted to the rank of acting sub-lieutenant, to date 1st December, 1931. On satisfactorily completing their courses, they will be confirmed as sub-lieutenant as from that date. Their ages on promotion ranged between 21 years 2 months and 24 years 11 months, the actual average being 22 years 9 months. Four ratings, all engine room artificers third class, were promoted to acting mate (E)—now acting sub-lieutenant (E)—to date 1st July, 1931. They have been confirmed as sub-lieutenants (E) from that date. Their ages on promotion ranged between 24 years 3 months and 28 years 2 months, the actual average 25 years 10 months. Officers—ex-cadet—are confirmed as sub-lieutenants or sub-lieutenants (E) between the ages of 20 years 5 months and 22 years.


asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the number of officers promoted from the lower deck who have been selected for the specialist courses for gunnery, torpedo, navigation, antisubmarine, signal, wireless telegraphy, physical and recreational training, and staff duties since 1926, when the Admiralty Fleet Order was issued stating that these officers were eligible to specialise under the same conditions as cadet-entry officers, and the number of cadet-entry officers who have been selected for these courses during the same period?


The numbers are as follow:

Ex-Lower Deck. Ex-Cadet.
(G) 1 (G) 85
(T) 1 (T) 79
(N) 1 (N) 62
(S) and (W/T) 1 (S) and (W/T) 58
(A/S) 1 (A/S) 21
(P. and R/T) 2 (P. and R/R) 21
Staff Nil Nil Staff 159