HC Deb 04 May 1931 vol 252 cc38-9W

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will take measures to prohibit the use of three or more trailers on commercial vehicles passing through towns or along narrow roads?


The number of trailers which may be drawn by motor vehicles is limited by Section 18 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, as follows:

  • In the case of a heavy locomotive or light locomotive—three.
  • In the case of a motor tractor, one if laden or two if unladen.
  • In the case of a motor car or a heavy motor ear—one.

Agricultural implements and vehicles used solely for carrying water for the drawing vehicle do not count as trailers for the purposes of this Section. My right hon. Friend is empowered by the Section to reduce these numbers by regulation, but I do not think that there is sufficient ground for the exercise of these powers at the present time.