HC Deb 21 May 1930 vol 239 cc412-3W

asked the President of the Board of Trade the emigration figures for each of the last 12 months to any of the Dominions overseas?


The numbers of British subjects who were recorded in the lists of passengers from ports in this country as leaving permanent residence in the United Kingdom to take up permanent residence in the undermentioned divisions of the British Empire in each month from April, 1929, to March, 1930, are shown in the following table:

Mouth. Country of Future Permanent Residence.*
British North America. Australia. New Zealand. British South Africa. India (including Ceylon). Other parts of the British Empire. Total British Empire.
April 12,187 1,244 273 486 202 446 14,838
May 12,865 1,465 186 545 225 458 15,744
June 7,712 822 277 357 206 297 9,671
July 5,712 1,325 246 532 201 469 8,485
August 5,761 1,711 587 427 482 573 9,541
September 4,365 1,930 550 550 l,065 638 9,098
October 2,873 2,405 497 387 1,510 852 8,524
November 2,325 1,515 575 751 834 709 6,709
December 765 914 460 348 321 381 3,189
January 915 919 395 482 476 594 3,781
February 1,169 855 272 345 333 410 3,384
March 4,239 786 177 334 300 399 6,235
Total for 12 months ended March, 1930. 60,888 15,891 4,495 5,544 6,155 6,226 99,199
* Residence for a year or more is treated as permanent residence for the purposes of this classification.