HC Deb 24 July 1930 vol 241 cc2417-8W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the official statistics of United States exports of manufactured goods include refined petroleum and other petroleum products; if so, what was the value of those products exported from the United States in 1929; what were the corresponding figures for 1880 and for 1913; and what were the exports of manufactured articles, per head of the population, from the United States in 1929, including and excluding petroleum and its products.

Country. Imports. Exports.
First six months 1929. First six months 1930. Decrease. First six months 1929. First six months 1930. Decrease.
£1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000
United Kingdom 604,727 541,749 62,978 358,742 304,851 53,891
France 246,404 216,189 30,215 199,013 182,473 16,540
United States 469,766 356,000 113,766 538,986 427,000 111,986
Germany, January-May 281,062 239,359 41,703 266,951 259,214 7,737
The above particulars relate to:—
United Kingdom: Total Imports; Domestic Exports.
France: Imports for Consumptiou; Domestic Exports.
United States: Total Imports; Total Exports (Domestic and Foreign). (The figures for 1930 are not official).
Germany: Imports for Consumption; Domestic Exports, including deliveries on account of Reparations amounting to £16,044,000 in January-May, 1929 and to £15,557,000 in January-May, 1930.
Note.—Conversions to Sterling have been made at approximate par rates of exchange.


The figure furnished on 8th July to the right hon. Gentleman in respect of exports in 1929 of manufactured goods from the United States (£670,100,000) included refined petroleum and other manufactured petroleum products, the total value of which amounted to £107,537,000. For 1880 and 1913 the corresponding value of such exports was £7,144,000 and £29,030,000 respectively. The value of exports of manufactures from the United States in 1929 per head of the population stated as £5 10s. 5d. would be reduced to £4 12s. 8d. by the exclusion of refined petroleum and products.