HC Deb 05 February 1930 vol 234 c1905W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he proposes to issue for the guidance of British subjects wishful to carry on their normal avocations in China a statement of the policy of His Majesty's Government on the subject of extraterritoriality in China, more especially as regards legal proceedings, in view of the growing anxiety felt by such British subjects with regard to their position in China?


The gradual and progressive transfer of jurisdiction over British subjects from British to Chinese Courts, with a view to the ultimate abolition of extra-territoriality is now the subject of negotiations between His Majesty's Minister and the Chinese Government. I fear it might only prejudice the negotiations if I attempted to give details. In the meantime British subjects remain in full enjoyment of their Treaty rights until such time as the Treaties now in force may have been modified by mutual consent.

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