HC Deb 07 November 1929 vol 231 cc1259-61W

asked the Minister of Health whether the departmental committee appointed to consider the Report of an investigation into the public cleansing service in the administrative county of London has yet made its Report; and whether that Report will be published?


asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the dumps of London refuse at South Hornchurch, Essex, condemned by the Ministry's own inspector; and when he expects the Report of the departmental committee to be in his possession and action taken thereon?


asked the Minister of Health whether the members of the Departmental Committee now considering the disposal of London refuse have visited any of the areas now suffering from dumps of refuse to obtain practical experience of the drawbacks of the present method?


asked the Minister of Health whether, in view of the Ministry's recent Report upon public cleansing, particularly having regard to the criticism upon the matter of refuse dumps, he will consider extending the Committee at present considering the Report so as to include not only London representatives, but also representatives of those surrounding districts where dumping grounds exist?


asked the Minister of Health at what date he expects the Departmental Committee on London Cleansing to make its Report?


asked the Minister of Health whether the Report of the Committee on the disposal of house refuse and dumping in London is likely to be published; and whether it is his intention to appoint a new chairman soon?


The work of the Departmental Committee has been delayed by the unfortunate death of its chairman, Sir John Gatti, to whose public services, though I differed from him on many matters, I should like to pay my tribute. A new chairman is to be appointed, and I hope that the Committee will find it possible to make an early Report, which will pave the way to dealing with this pressing problem on effective and comprehensive lines. I see at present no reason why their Report should not be published. I can assure the hon. Members that the Government are impressed with the necessity for action, and I propose to confer with the Committee at an early date. I do not think that it would help matters to add to the Committee representatives of areas in which dumps are situated. I under stand that the Committee have already considered a large part of their problem and have visited some of the dumps.

Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware of the extensive accumulations of refuse deposited by a London municipal borough in the rural district of Hatfield for some years past, and of the strong objections to this practice; and what action he pro poses to take to secure satisfactory disposal of such refuse in future, and to make such disposal subject to the consent of the local authorities concerned?


asked the Minister of Health if his attention has been called to the unhealthy conditions arising from open refuse destruction at Crayford, Kent; and whether he will have this grievance investigated?


I am aware of these and other cases. Any comprehensive action must wait for the report of the Departmental Committee to which I have previously referred.


asked the Minister of Health whether he has been approached with regard to the regulation of any pro posed refuse dumps in the area of the Billericay Rural District Council?


My attention has been drawn to a proposal to form a refuse dump at Pitsea and Vange, in the Billericay Rural District. I understand that the Rural District Council have raised no objection to the proposal on the understanding that the required conditions to prevent risk of nuisance are observed.


asked the Minister of Health what steps are taken by the Ministry to ascertain whether the Ministry's regulations concerning refuse dumps are complied with in the different districts?


I have no powers to make regulations of this kind. What has been done is to issue a code of advice. Local authorities can adopt appropriate bylaws which should enable them to pre vent the formation of such dumps as are likely to become a nuisance.

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