HC Deb 05 November 1929 vol 231 cc859-60W

asked the Minister of Health what accommodation exists in the county of Kent for the care of mental defectives, and the number in such institutions on the last available census date?


The following accommodation in the County of Kent, excluding the County Borough of Canterbury, is certified or approved for the reception of mental defectives at the instance of the Kent County Council:

Cranbrook P.L.I., 10 male and 20 female defectives over age 16.

Dover P.L.I., 6 female defectives over age 16.

Eastry P.L.I., 20 male and 24 female defectives over age 16.

Mailing P.L.I., 14 female defectives over age 16.

Sevenoaks P.L.I., 10 male and 20 female defectives over age 16.

Tenterden P.L.I., 118 female defectives (66 under and 52 over age 16).

Tonbridge P.L.I., 40 males under 16.

Totals: 40 males over 16, 136 females over 16, 40 males under 16 and 66 females under 16.

There are two further institutions for defectives within the county: (1) Princess Christian's Farm Colony at Hilden-borough, Kent, for 71 male and 68 female defectives; but it is conducted by a voluntary body and the Kent County Council receives no preference in the allocation of vacancies. (2) Darenth Training Colony, Dartford, an institution of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, but all future vacancies will be filled by cases arising in the London County Council area.

The Kent County Council have purchased an estate known as Leybourne Grange, on which they propose to develop a colony for mental defectives. At present the mansion is being adapted for the accommodation of about 90 female patients.

On the 1st January last the Kent County Council was responsible for 589 mental defectives in institutions or on licence there from. The return then furnished did not differentiate between cases detained in institutions in Kent and elsewhere, but I am informed that many Kent cases are sent on contract to voluntary institutions outside the county, and that 264 of the 589 patients were detained in institutions of the Metropolitan Asylums Board.