HC Deb 07 March 1929 vol 226 cc593-4W

asked the Minister of Agriculture how many persons were employed in dairy farming, market gardening, small holdings, and general farming during the years 1913 and 1927, respectively, and the number of acres of land devoted to dairy farming, small holdings, market gardening, and general farming during the same years; how many acres of land at present are waterlogged in each county; and the amount of agricultural produce produced during each of the years mentioned above and its value, showing, if possible, the amount and value under each category?


I regret that the information at my disposal does not enable me to give the specific information asked for by the hon. Member. I would, however, point out that the Report on the Agricultural Output of England and Wales, 1925, contains certain information relative to the change in the number employed in agriculture as between the pre-War and post-War period, the output of agricultural produce in 1925 as compared with 1908 and the number and character of holdings in the former year. In particular I would refer the hon. Member to Chapters VI, VII, and VIII of that Report. Statistics of the area of land actually waterlogged at any particular time are not available, but it is estimated that over 1,000,000 acres of agricultural land in England and Wales are urgently in need of drainage and another 500,000 acres are capable of improvement by drainage, these estimates being exclusive of land where field drainage alone is required.

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