HC Deb 23 December 1929 vol 233 cc1918-9W
Viscount WOLMER

asked the President of the Board of Trade the amount of tinned and dried milk imported into this country in 1900 and in 1914?


In 1900, the only form of preserved milk for which separate particulars of imports were secured was condensed milk. The following statement furnishes particulars for 1903, when the classification now in use was first adopted, and for 1914, of imports of the different kinds of preserved milk and also the total amount of condensed milk imported in 1900:

and those we export to Russia, whether he can give, on the lines of the calculations made for the whole of our trade, how much of these imports are paid for in shipping, banking, and insurance ser-

vices; how much is represented by interest on money lent; and how much remains over to Russia to finance any transactions in other directions than those indicated?


I regret that the information at the disposal of my Department does not enable me to give the particulars required.