HC Deb 25 April 1929 vol 227 cc1077-8W
Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the requirements with regard to vaccination of visitors proceeding from this country to France; whether these requirements are to continue throughout this year and in future; and whether these matters will in future be arranged through the International Committee of Public Hygiene, at Paris, or through the Health Organisation of the League of Nations, at Geneva?


The Regulations with which travellers proceeding from this country to France now have to comply provide that:

  1. (1) All persons in possession of certificates to the effect that they have been vaccinated within the last five years and not more recently than 10 days will be allowed to land without hindrance;
  2. (2) Those without such certificates will be required to fill in a sanitary passport, giving their names and addresses and their destination, so that they may be subject to medical supervision during the next 14 days;
  3. (3) There will be no compulsory vaccination on disembarkation.

I understand that at Dieppe holders of certificates are also being asked to submit their arms for medical inspection. At Havre the special regulations introduced by the Mayor, and announced in the Press, are still being enforced. With regard to the second part of the question, the length of time which these regulations will remain in force must necessarily depend upon circumstances. With regard to the third part of the question, it is not, in the opinion of His Majesty's Government, possible to leave the details of administration in such matters to an international body. I would, however, draw my hon. and gallant Friend's attention to the fact that the French Government have acted in the present case in accordance with Article 42 of the International Sanitary Convention signed at Paris on 21st June, 1926.