HC Deb 14 November 1928 vol 222 c905W

asked the Secretary for Mines the number of coal mines in which pit ponies are employed; the number of inspectors appointed under the Coal Mines Act, 1911, to examine into the care and treatment of such pit ponies; and the average number of inspections made during the year 1927 by such inspectors in each of the mines in which pit ponies are employed?

Commodore KING

In 1927 horses were employed underground at 1,449 mines. The number of special inspectors appointed under Section 109 of the Coal Mines Act, 1911, is eight; and the average number of inspections made by these inspectors during 1927 at each mine was 1.74. The figure last quoted takes no account of the underground inspections of the other Inspectors of Mines who look out for and report any apparent contraventions of the Act in regard to animals employed underground. The average number of such visits per pit in 1927 was 5.6.

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