HC Deb 07 March 1928 vol 214 c1146W
Major OWEN

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he can state the governing authority whereby pensioners who were re-enlisted in the Territorial Force, and were serving on an approved attestation prior to the outbreak of War, 4th August, 1914, were compelled to mobilise and then subjected to the provisions of Article 1158, Royal Warrant, 1914, in view of the fact that this Article refers solely to pensioners who re-enlisted during the national emergency?


A pensioner enlisting in the Territorial Force became a Territorial soldier. Under paragraph 137 of the Territorial Force Regulations, 1912, he was permitted to draw his Army pension both during training and embodiment in addition to his pay. His position is thus exactly similar to pensioners who re-enlisted on the outbreak of War and were dealt with under Article 1158 of the Pay Warrant. While in the latter case specific provision was necessary to bar their counting their re-enlisted service for increase of pension, no such specific provision was necessary in the case of the Territorial Force soldier, there being no Regulation under which a Territorial Force soldier could increase his Army pension by Territorial Force service, whether embodied or unembodied.