HC Deb 21 June 1928 vol 218 cc1771-2W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that at a meeting of the sub-inspectors of the police in the Madura district, held at Madura on 6th May last, it was decided to accept an invitation, which had been received from the Governor of Madras, to prepare a memorandum for presentation to the Simon Commission concerning their grievances and other matters, including the question of provincial autonomy, the classification of reserved and transferred subjects, and other political matters; and whether, in view of the statements of the then Secretary of State at the time of the discussion of the Government of India Bill as to the desirability of members of the permanent services discussing political reform, he will inform the House if this invitation had the approval of the Secretary of State, or whether he will give instructions that such memoranda shall be confined to their own grievances?


I am not aware that the Governor issued any invitation of the kind.