HC Deb 21 November 1927 vol 210 c1430W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether it is proposed to convert the Auxiliary and Territorial Forces into a second line of defence; whether he is aware that these forces are restricted to Europeans and Anglo-Indians only; and whether it is pro-posed to create Artillery and Air Force units in the Territorial branch of the Indian Army, in accordance with the suggestion made by the Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Committee, and to allow Indians to serve and hold commissions in these forces?


The auxiliary force has hitherto been regarded and will henceforth be maintained, as a second line of defence for internal security, and the Territorial Force similarly for the Field Army. Membership of the Territorial Force is confined to Indians. His Majesty's Government have approved the recommendation of the Committee that an attempt should eventually be made to raise cavalry and artillery units in the Territorial Force if sufficient progress is developed in the existing infantry units. I will send the hon. Member a copy of the Report.