HC Deb 17 November 1927 vol 210 c1147W

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has received a petition, signed by about 250 householders of Corbridge-on-Tyne, against the erection of electricity poles by the Newcastle Electricity Supply Company in the town of Corbridge; whether his consent was actually obtained before the poles were erected; whether some poles have been erected in streets not included in the Tynedale Electricity Special Order, 1926; and what steps he proposes to take to meet the objections of so large a body of Corbridge residents?

Colonel ASHLEY

The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the second and third parts, my consent only operates from the date on which it was given, and in respect of the routes referred to therein. As regards the fourth part, I am not in a position to withdraw my consent, which was given after it had been ascertained that the Hexham Rural District Council, on whom the right of making representations on behalf of the locality is conferred by the Statute, had notified the supply company of their consent.

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