§ Captain BOURNEasked the Minister of Health whether, seeing that the duty of relieving officers under Section 35 (1) of the Poor Law Act, 1927, is to relieve all destitute wayfarers in either sudden or urgent necessity and where necessary to provide lodging for them, and seeing that partly by the closing of a large number of casual wards there are now many which are more than 10 miles away from the next one, on the line of route usually taken by those travelling by road on foot, he will send a circular reminding the relieving officers of their duties to destitute wayfarers, so as far as possible to prevent deaths or disease through starvation, exposure, or privation?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINI have no reason to suppose that there is any danger of deaths or disease arising from the causes mentioned by my hon. and gallant Friend, and I see no necessity to remind relieving officers of their duties under the Act, of which they are well aware.