HC Deb 23 February 1927 vol 202 cc1772-3W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department the amount of financial assistance given by the Government to meet the expense of the British Industries Fair held at the White City; why similar assistance is not being given to the fair now being held at Castle Bromwich, Birmingham; and will he consider treating the Birmingham Fair as favourably as the one now being held at the White City?


The Department of Overseas Trade is responsible for the organisation of the London Section of the British Industries Fair. The London Section is organised on a self-supporting basis, and the cost of all special staff taken on for the purpose is met out of the rents paid by exhibitors and other receipts, while in addition a substantial contribution is made to the overhead charges of the Department.

The financial assistance given by the Government is, therefore, limited to the sum of £25,000, which has been appropriated this year and last towards advertising the Fair as a whole, including the Birmingham Section, A Publicity Committee has been appointed comprising representatives of both the London and the Birmingham Fair, and arrangements are mutually agreed for the expenditure of the £25,000 on joint publicity. As the hon. Member is aware, the Birmingham Section is organised with the support of my Department, and the closest co-operation has been established between the organisers of the two sections for the benefit of the Fair as a whole.