HC Deb 17 February 1927 vol 202 c1129W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether, in view of the statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT of his Department that arms and munitions of war imported into China during 1925 amounted to 7,199,438 taels, whereas the amount in the previous year was only 1,589,669 taels, any explanation can be given for the increase shown; and whether any indication can be given as to the country of origin of the arms and munitions of war so imported?


The returns issued by the Chinese Maritime Customs, from which the figures in question are taken, show that the hulk of the arms referred to were imported into China via Newchwang and other Northern ports. Presumably they were destined for the armies in the North. According to the Chinese Maritime Customs Returns, more than half of the total was shipped from German ports. These returns relate only to the Treaty ports and take no account of arms imported through other channels.

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