HC Deb 12 April 1927 vol 205 cc203-4W

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what authorities in the Highlands of Scotland have made official inquiries regarding the Housing (Rural Workers) Act; and what authorities have intimated their intention of putting the Act into operation?


I am advised by the Scottish Board of Health that official inquiries regarding the Housing (Rural Workers) Act, 1926, have been made by the following local authorities in the Highlands of Scotland, which have been taken to be the area as defined in the Highlands and Islands (Medical Service) Grant Act, 1913:

  • Highland District Committee of Perth-shire,
  • County Council of Ross-shire,
  • South Western District Committee of Ross-shire,
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  • Western District Committee of Ross-shire,
  • Easter Ross District Committee of Ross-shire,
  • Lewis District Committee of Ross-shire,
  • Aird District Committee of Inverness-shire,
  • Inverness District Committee of Inverness-shire,
  • Skye District Committee of Inverness-shire,
  • North Uist District Committee of Inverness-shire,
  • South Uist District Committee of Inverness-shire,
  • Mainland District Committee of Shetland,
  • Mainland District Committee of Orkney,
  • Caithness County Council,
  • Sutherland County Council,
  • Ardnamurchan District Committee of Argyllshire,
  • Mull District Committee of Argyllshire, and
  • Lorn District Committee of Argyllshire.

As regards the second part of the question, the District Committee of the Black Isle District of Ross-shire have intimated that they are prepared to adopt a scheme under the Act, and a scheme has been provisionally approved by the Board for the Mid Ross District of Ross-shire.