HC Deb 22 March 1926 vol 193 cc890-3W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will arrange for a Return to be prepared and laid upon the Table giving particulars of the trade done between this country and Russia, and between France, Italy, Germany, and Russia during the period which has passed since the Anglo-Soviet trading agreement was entered into?


pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 9th March, 1926, Col. 2074], supplied the following statement, showing, according to the official returns of the U.S.S.R., the value of the imports and exports into and from Russia, distinguishing the trade with the United Kingdom, France, Italy, and Germany, during the undermentioned years: Statistical Department of the Board of Trade for this purpose.


asked the President of the Board of Trade the chief articles, with the respective costs, imported from Russia to this country in 1924 and 1925, respectively; and the chief articles, with the respective costs, exported from this country to Russia for the same years?


asked the President of the Board of Trade the imports, exports and re-exports in respect of British trade with Russia last year, showing

Article. Declared Value. Article. Declared Value.
1924. 1925. 1924. 1925.
Imports into the United Kingdom consigned from Russia: Th. £. Th. £. Exports from the United Kingdom consigned to Russia: Th. £. Th. £.
Butter 2,338 2,448 (i) Of United Kingdom produce and manufacture:
Eggs in shell 479 1,278
Salmon, canned 1,239 1,304 Herrings 729 164
Wheat 395 802 Coal 48 59
Barley 490 1,490 Machinery:
Maize 862 206 Prime Movers (not electrical). 9 58
Fur skins, undressed, other than Rabbit and Seal. 1,982 2,643
Textile 218 323
Manganese Ore 249 244 Lead, pig and sheet 139 36
Flax or Linseed 82 522 Tin: blocks, ingots, bars and slabs. 35 67
Sunflower seed 381 540
Flax, raw 270 407 Cotton yarns 13 633
Flax tow or codilla 238 76 Wool tops 31 205
Wood and timber: Woollen and worsted yarns (except alpaca and mohair, &c, yarns). 112 294
Hewn, soft 246 384
Sawn, soft 4,887 4,558
Pitprops 465 333 All other articles 2,526 4,327
Sleepers 365 367
Wool, raw, sheep's and lambs'. 52 386 Total British exports 3,860 6,166
Bristle 548 771 (ii) Of imported produce:
Platinum, refined 808 721 Tea 376 1,011
Petroleum, refined: Cotton, raw (exceptlinters) 4,149 5,294
Lamp oil 205 295 Wool, raw, sheep's and lambs'. 508 295
Motor spirit 800 1,249
Lubricating oil 251 175 Rubber, crude 120 1,762
Skins and furs, unenumerated, dressed, not leather. 532 198 Hides, wet: ox and cow 722 1,341
Lead, pig and sheet 237 367
All other articles 1,610 3,932 Tin: blocks, ingots, bars and slabs. 251 477
Total imports consigned from Russia. 19,774 25,329 All other articles 849 2,722
Total exports of imported produce. 7,212 13,269
Total exports and re-exports consigned to Russia. 11,072 19,435
The figures for 1925 are provisional and subject to final adjustment. Further particulars for 1924 are given on pages 139–145 of Vol. IV of the Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom for 1924. The British exports to Russia in 1925 of which details are not given above are spread over a large number of items of small individual importance.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether, with reference to the trade between Great Britain and Russia, he will state for the years 1920 to

ing separately the total value of each principal commodity?


, pursuant to his replies [Official Report, 23rd February, 1926, Col. 343, and 9th March, 1926, Col. 2074, Vol. 192], furnished the folio wing statement:

1925, inclusive, the credit balance in favour of Great Britain?


The question is framed apparently under a misappre- hension. In the period from 1920 to 1925 our imports from Russia exceeded in value our exports and re-exports to Russia by about 39 millions sterling. The following statement shows, for each of the years 1920 to 1925, the value of the total imports into the United Kingdom registered as consigned from Russia and of the total exports from the United Kingdom registered as consigned to Russia; together with the excess of imports or of exports.

Year. Imports. Exports (including Re-exports). Excess of Imports.
£ £ £
1920 33,522,892 16,833,383 16,689,509
1921 2,694,674 3,391,290 696,616*
1922 8,102,829 4,611,027 3,491,802
1923 9,266,100 4,481,126 4,784,974
1924 19,773,842 11,072,529 8,701,313
1925 25,329,336 19,435,022 5,894,314
*Excess of Exports.

The figures for 1920 relate to trade with Russia and the territories now forming separate States but forming part of Russia prior to the War.