HC Deb 22 February 1926 vol 192 c67W

asked the Minister of Transport whether, seeing that, in connection with the contemplated north orbital road and bye-pass through Brentwood, he is proposing to purchase 52 acres of the Middleton Hall building testate, situate in the parish of Shenfield, in the rural district of Billericay, in order to construct less than half a mile of road, he will say under what powers he proposes to purchase so large an area of land for the purpose of constructing so short a length of road?

Colonel ASHLEY

The exact course to be followed by this proposed road is still under discussion with the local authorities and other parties concerned. Powers of land acquisition are conferred upon the Minister of Transport by Section 11 of the Development and Road Improvement Funds, Act, 1909, as amended by the Roads Act, 1920. In all matters connected with the acquisition of land and the disposal of surplus land, it is my practice to seek the advice of the Valuation Office of the Inland Revenue Department.