HC Deb 04 February 1926 vol 191 cc345-6W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the fact that an order of ejection has been granted by the Court to his Department against the tenants of 16 dwelling houses at Abbot's Field Lane, St. Helens, on the ground of alleged danger from a Government poison gas factory, that during the past seven years poison gas has been manufactured without danger, and that those people, numbering 102, have no other means of securing accommodation at present, he will suspend the operation of the notice for six months to enable the local authorities to find them accommodation?


Before the order was obtained for the possession of these cottages, the tenants had already received long warning. The Department will continue to show them all possible consideration without prejudicing its legal position, but I regret that it will not be possible to suspend the operation of the order for so long a period as six months.