HC Deb 25 March 1925 vol 182 cc460-1W

asked the Secretary for Scotland the number of inhabited houses and the number of families in Scotland as shown by the Census of 1921?


Inhabited houses enumerated in Scotland at the Census of 1921 numbered 1,057,609. The Census does not state the number of families, but the number of separate occupiers was 1,107,631.


asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health the number of houses under construction with State assistance in Scotland on 1st February, 1924, 1st November, 1924, and 1st March, 1925, respectively, and the number of houses built by private enterprise, without State assistance, on 1st April, 1924, and 1st October, 1924, or on the nearest dates for which statistics are available?

31st January, 1924. 31st October, 1924. 28th February, 1925.
Housing, Town Planning, etc. (Scotland) Act, 1919. 2,918 2,457 1,679
Housing, etc., Act, 1923:—
(1) Additional Houses being built:—
(a) by Local Authorities 349 1,900 2,171
(b) by Private Enterprise 641 3,109 3,388
(2) Under Slum Clearance Schemes 1,116 2,004 2,504
Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1924:—
(a) by Local Authorities 232 821
(b) by Private Enterprise
TOTALS 5,024 9,702 10,563

The statistics asked for in the second part of the question are not available.