HC Deb 15 June 1925 vol 185 c48W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India what was the quantity of gold imported into India in the last financial year, and how these imports compare with the years 1913–14, 1922–23 and 1923–24?


The imports of gold into India for the years in question were as follow:

Year. Gross. Net.
Fine Ounces Fine Ounces.
1913–14 4,593,163* 3,749,437*
1922–23 5,877,753† 5,858,298†
1923–24 4,329,248 4,319,356
1924–25 11,998,409 11,939,617
*The figures for 1933–14 are given in the returns as "ounces" and not "fine ounces," as prior to April, 1921, the practice of recording weights was not uniform at all the ports.
† Includes 1,415 fine ounces on Government account.

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