HC Deb 04 March 1924 vol 170 cc1204-5W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty if his attention has been drawn to the fire which occurred recently at 25, Orchardhead Road, Rosyth, resulting in the death of a woman, aged 77, and rendering three families homeless; if he is aware that the continued occupation of these houses is deprecated from a public health point of view by the Dunfermline Town Council; and does he intend to take any steps to have them replaced by new houses?


I am aware of the fire which occurred at 25, Orchardhead Road, Rosyth, Admiralty Bungalow City East, and much regret the loss of life which resulted. I am informed that the tenants of Nos. 27, 29 and 31 who removed their furniture and effects on the outbreak of the fire were rehoused in other Admiralty accommodation on the same day. The question of replacing the houses in the Bungalow Cities by permanent houses has been under consideration from time to time. It has been decided to demolish the West Village as houses become vacant, and the East Village will also be removed as soon as circumstances permit of accommodation being provided in the new garden city.