§ Mr. WRIGHTasked the Minister of Agriculture if he can give particulars as to the number of breeds of cattle, pigs and poultry in 1923 in England and Wales, and the names of the organisations formed to promote the merits of the respective breeds?
§ Mr. BUXTONThe principal breeds of cattle and pigs number 18 and 13 respectively. A separate association for the promotion of their merits exists for each breed.
1799WThe following are the breeds:
- Aberdeen-Angus.
- Blue Albion.
- British Friesian.
- Dairy Shorthorn (Pedigree).
- Devon.
- Guernsey.
- Hereford.
- Jersey.
- Kerry and Dexter.
- Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn.
- Longhorn.
- Old Gloucestershire.
- Park Cattle.
- Red Poll.
- Shorthorn.
- South Devon.
- Sussex.
- Welsh Black.
- Pigs.
- Berkshire.
- Cumberland.
- Essex.
- Glamorgan.
- Gloucesqrshire Old Spots.
- Large Mack.
- Large White Ulster.
- Large White Yorkshire.
- Lincolnshire Curley Coated.
- Middle White.
- Tamworth.
- Wessex.
- Welsh.
Specialist clubs exist for the following 106 breeds of poultry:
- Fowls.
- Ancona.
- Andalusian.
- Austral Orpington.
- Barnevalder.
- Barred Rock.
- Black Leghorn.
- Black Orpington.
- Black Sumatra Game.
- Black Wyandotte.
- Blue Leghorn.
- Blue Orpington.
- Blue Wyandotte. Brahma.
- British Black Leghorn.
- British Hamburgh.
- British Minorca.
- British Rhode Island Red.
- Brown Leghorn.
- Buff Leghorn.
- Buff Orpington.
1800 - Buff orpington.
- Buff Plymouth Rock.
- Buff Wyandotte.
- Campine.
- Cochin.
- Columbian Wyandotte.
- Croad Langshan.
- Cumberland O.E. Game.
- Dorking.
- Exchequer Leghorn.
- Faverolles.
- Fifeshire Game Fowl.
- Frizzle.
- Gold and Silver Laced Wyandottes
- Golden Barred Plymouth Rock
- Houdan Creve Cœur and Houdan.
- Indian Game.
- Jersey Black Giants.
- Jubilee Indian Game.
- La Bresse.
- Ladies' Poultry.
- Langshan.
- Leghorn.
- Leghorn, Plymouth Rock and Andalusian.
- London Minorca.
- Malay.
- Malines.
- Marsh Daisy.
- Mendel.
- Midland O.E. Game.
- Minorca.
- Modern Game and Game Bantam.
- Old English Game.
- Old English Game Fowl.
- Old English Pheasant Fowl.
- Partridge Wyandotte.
- Pile and Duckwing Leghorn.
- Pile, Duckwing and Cuckoo Leghorn.
- Plymouth Rock.
- Polish.
- Redcap.
- Red Orpington.
- Rhode Island Red.
- Rhode Island White.
- Rosecomb Minorca.
- Russian Orloff.
- Sicilian Buttercup.
- Sicilian Flowerbird.
- Silkie.
- Spangled Orpington.
- Spanish.
- Sussex.
- United Orpington (Wales).
- Welsh Ancona.
- Welsh Minorca.
- Welsh Modern Game and Modern
- Game Bantam.
- Welsh O.E. Game.
- Welsh R.I. Red.
- Welsh United Game.
- Welsh Wyandotte.
- Western Minorca.
- White Leghorn.
- White Orpington.
- White Wyandotte.
- Yokohama.
- Brahma.
- Brown Red and Birchen Game.
- Cochin or Pekin.
- Hamburgh.
- Indian Game.
- London.
- Malay.
- Minorca Bantam.
- Modern Game.
- Modern Pile Game.
- Old English Game.
- Plymouth Rock.
- Rosecomb.
- Sebright.
- Sebright Society.
- United Pekin.
- Variety.
- Variety (Wales).
- Western.
- Wyandotte (New Amateur).
- Wyandotte.
- Yokohama.