HC Deb 28 March 1923 vol 162 cc563-4W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will lay before the House the memorials and recommendations on constitutional reform submitted by the Ceylon National Congress and other important political bodies in Ceylon?


The memorials submitted by the Ceylon National Congress have been printed in Ceylon and have, I believe, had a wide circulation. I do not think that the expense of reprinting these and other similar memorials in the form of a Parliamentary Paper would be justified, but I will endeavour to arrange for copies of the memorials received to be placed in the Library shortly.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he is aware that another serious accident, the third in less than three months. has occurred on the Ceylon Government railways this week, resulting in loss of life; and, in view of the repetition of these disasters, what steps he proposes to take in order to ensure a full and independent inquiry into the cause thereof?


I have not yet received any official report of these accidents, which have, however, been reported in the Press. The first-accident was, I understand, not a serious one and only a Departmental inquiry was, I believe, held. The second accident, which was due to a flood, has been under investigation by a strong Committee containing both official and unofficial members whose report I have not yet received. I am not aware whether an inquiry has been ordered into the third accident, but I have no doubt that the Governor will cause such an inquiry to he made if the circumstances make it necessary.

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