§ Mr. MORELasked the President of the Board of Trade what is the sum total of all claims registered in British currency with the Russian Claims Department against the Russian Government; the sum total Of the claims registered in roubles; and whether the latter are calculated on the basis of the ratio of the pre-War rouble to the British sovereign?
§ Viscount WOLMER:Exact figures are not at present available, but claims registered in British currency other than claims for the restitution of industrial and commercial properties amounted to about £56,000,000 in respect of bonds and £23,000,000 otherwise. The value of the properties of which restitution is demanded has been estimated by the claimants at about £180,000,000. Claims registered in roubles amounted to about Rs.232,000,000 in respect of bonds, and 625,000,000 otherwise. It is not known shat proportion of these latter amounts 49W is calculated on the basis of the ratio of the pre-War rouble to the British sovereign.