HC Deb 05 March 1923 vol 161 cc54-5W

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that a scheme for draining Sturch Pill brook, Tidenham, Gloucester-shire, which would benefit about 400 acres of land and employ a number of workmen in a district where there is considerable unemployment, has been held up owing to a disagreement between two landowners over their respective liabilities, and that other schemes have had to be abandoned for similar reasons; and if he will take steps to secure that land drainage committees shall be given power to carry out schemes of drainage in a district where the majority of the owners and Occupiers agree to same?


No, Sir, I was not aware that the scheme referred to, which was approved some time ago, subject to certain conditions being complied with, had been held up for the reasons stated. The principle underlying drainage unemployment schemes in areas where no statutory drainage authority exists, is that they should be carried out upon a voluntary basis. If, therefore, landowners in a very limited number of cases do not consider that the financial assistance offered by the Government is sufficiently attractive, I am not prepared to take action to compel them to carry out schemes.


asked the Minister of Agriculture if he will consider the desirability of an amendment of the terms under which drainage schemes for the alleviation of unemployment., 1922–23, to the effect that such schemes can be carried out where the small holdings and allotments sub-committees are the only contributors, seeing that several schemes submitted, which would have benefited the land under the control of such committees, have had to be abandoned owing to the refusal of the Ministry to sanction the same?


The condition to which the hon. Member refers was very carefully considered by the Government, but as the date for receiving applications under this winter's drainage unemployment programme has long past, I regret that I cannot see my way at this stage to consider an amendment of the Regulations.

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