§ Mr. WHEATLEYasked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health the sum paid out of the local rates in relief to able-bodied unemployed persons by the parish councils in Glasgow during the past six months, the average weekly numbers of male and female recipients, and the average numbers of male and female unemployed registered in that city for the same period?
§ Captain ELLIOT:In view of the fact that the parish and municipal boundaries in the Glasgow area are not coterminous, it is only possible to give approximate figures in reply to the hon. Member's question, and the following figures are given subject to that qualification. The total cost of aliments paid to destitute able-bodied unemployed by parish councils in Glasgow for the six months ended 24th ultimo was £293,450; the average weekly number of recipients (ex-eluding dependants) for the same period was 27,900, but the available records do not discriminate between the numbers of male and female recipients respectively. I understand from information which I have received from the Ministry of Labour that the average weekly number of unemployed registered in Glasgow for the period in question is 72,876 males and 11,287 females, including boys and girls respectively.