HC Deb 09 May 1922 vol 153 cc2025-6W

asked the Secretary of State for War what percentage of contracts for the War Department was referred to the Technical Costs Branch from May, 1920 to May, 1922; and what was the total amount respectively of the original quotations thus referred, the amount ultimately agreed upon, and the savings resulting during the period stated?


It is estimated that since the War Office took over the responsibility for contract administration from the Ministry of Munitions (Supply) in June, 1920, something under 1 per cent. of the orders given have been referred to the Technical Costs Branch. The totals of the amounts originally proposed by the contractors and of the amounts ultimately accepted were £161,837 and £119,959 respectively. The reductions on the original proposals were however only partially due to the Technical Costs Branch.


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that the Technical Costs Branch of the Contracts Department was established in 1915, that it effected a saving of 300 million pounds in Ministry of Munitions contracts; that the National Expenditure Committee, 1917–18, recommended a continuance and extension of its work, yet only four Government Departments have availed themselves of its knowledge and experience, and although a comparatively small number of their contracts have been remitted considerable savings to the State have resulted; and whether, in the interests of economy, a reduction in the staff of 10 will be avoided, in order that all departments may utilise the services of its personnel under the supervision and control of the Treasury?


The functions, scope and size of the Technical Costs Branch attached to the Admiralty, to which it is assumed the hon. Member refers, are under consideration, and in the meantime I do not think that I can usefully add to the information contained in the reply of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty on the 3rd May.

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