HC Deb 03 May 1922 vol 153 c1377W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he has received a communication from the East Ham unemployment organisation stating that the Government have undertaken the building of a sea wall at Woodham Ferris; that labourers are being advertised for at the rate of 7½d. per hour; that, at the East Ham and Ilford Employment Exchanges, unemployment benefit has been refused to men who decline this work; whether he has been asked to receive a deputation from East Ham on this question; and what action, if any, he proposes to take?


A communication has been received on this matter from the East Ham Trades Council. So far as I have been able to ascertain, unemployment benefit has not been disallowed on account of a refusal to accept this work, but if my lion. Friend can furnish particulars of any cases, I shall be glad to have further inquiries made.