HC Deb 19 July 1922 vol 156 cc2089-90W

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether the six fighting aircraft allocated to the Navy represent the provision agreed upon by the Admiralty and the Air Ministry in consultation, and whether reserve machines are available to replace any which may be damaged by accident, etc.?

Captain GUEST

The unit referred to is an item of the reduced programme which the Admiralty and the Air Ministry were required to accept, having regard to the reductions in Air Estimates decided upon by His Majesty's Government in the light of the Report of the Committee on National Expenditure. I may add that the Air Ministry have to date provided the full number of aeroplanes of all types contemplated in this reduced programme, and that they shared the Admiralty's expressed misgivings that no larger provision was possible in the circumstances. For further particulars I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer which I gave yesterday to a question by the Noble and gallant Member for Battersea (Viscount Curzon).