HC Deb 20 June 1921 vol 143 c924W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is now in a position to state the result of his inquiries into the subject of the trial, at Pontefract, of Mr. C. T. Woodhead, for making seditious speeches, at which he was sentenced to three months' imprisonment in default of payment; whether he is aware that no one, except Mrs. Woodhead, was allowed to see the prisoner, so that he was unable to instruct counsel for the defence; and that two of the prisoner's friends attended the court to give evidence, but were informed that they would not be allowed to go into the court as witnesses?


I have made inquiries in this case. I find that the statement that Mrs. Woodhead only was allowed to see the prisoner is incorrect, and that he made no application to instruct a solicitor or counsel; had such an application been made, facilities would have been given. The prisoner stated in court that he did not desire to give evidence or to call witnesses.