HC Deb 21 February 1921 vol 138 cc569-71W

asked the Minister of Food what was the estimated consumption in the United Kingdom of wheat, barley, oats, beef and veal, mutton and lamb, bacon and hams, and butter and cheese during the year 1920; and what proportions of these products were produced at home and imported from overseas?


The following table gives the information asked for by the right hon. Member. It should be pointed out that the data for framing such estimates, especially in relation to home produce, are now less complete than they were under the period of control, and the results must be taken as being only approximately correct:—

and, if so, what action he proposes to take-in the matter?


The Food Controller has been informed of the meeting and received a copy of the resolution referred to. The district food[...] officers were discontinued at an earlier date than was originally anticipated in the interest of economy. Sugar rationing, which was the principal work of these officers, ceased after November, 1920, and a large saving of public expenditure was effected by their abolition. I am informed that no assurance as to period of office was given either verbally or in the letters of appointment of district food[...] officers, but, on the contrary, it was clearly stated that the appointment was subject to one month's notice on either side at any time. The Food Controller has fully appreciated the difficulties of these displaced officers, and has made every effort, both through Divisional Food Commissioners and through the Ministry of Labour's[...] organisation, to secure new appointments for them. I am glad to say that in many cases these efforts have been successful.