HC Deb 06 May 1920 vol 128 c2257W

asked the Minister of Health if his attention has been called to the report of Dr. M'Wheir, medical officer to Berwick rural district, about the health conditions of the parish, where the people live in hovels as a mere shelter from the wind and weather; if he is aware that the medical officer has called attention to the state of the overcrowded dwellings where young men and women are herded together in one sleeping compartment; that the medical officer also stated that the overcrowding was a close connection to tubercular disease; and will he take action in the matter?


I am aware of the Report in question. A report on the housing conditions has also been made by one of my officers. The first requirement is obviously that the district council should press forward with their new housing schemes, and I am taking steps to secure that this is done.