HC Deb 31 March 1920 vol 127 cc1262-3W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture whether, in view of the proposed enclosure of a part of the New Forest for the purpose of allotments, he is aware that there is ample land in private ownership in the immediate neighbourhood of the proposed enclosure, and whether the powers of the county council to acquire such lands are adequate?


The Ministry have no information as to the extent of land in private ownership which might be available for allotments, but inquiry will be made. The local authority primarily responsible for the provision of allotments is the parish council, but the county council also can acquire land for the purpose of letting it to the parish council for allotments. The powers of the local authorities in question are ample for the purpose.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to the appropriation for allotment purposes which is now taking place of a substantial portion of the New Forest at Brockenhurst; whether he can say under what authority or statute such appropriation is taking or has taken place; if so, whether it has received the consent of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Treasury; and on what terms and conditions such consent, if any, has been given?


Two areas at Brockenhurst were granted to the Guardians of Lymington Union for allotments by the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury in 1917, under the Act 1 and 2, William IV., c. 59. One of these areas has not been utilised, and it is understood that application has recently been made for the grant of another area in place thereof, but the application has not yet been considered by the Minister of Agriculture as a Commissioner of Woods or by the Treasury.