HC Deb 10 March 1920 vol 126 cc1302-3W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether the case of Mr. W. C. Little johns, of the London postal service, will be regarded as one of hardship so far as the Government decision concerning the payment of War bonus to men with the forces is concerned; whether he is aware that Mr. Littlejohns was called up with the 8th County of London Regiment on 18th August, 1914, and was transferred to the Royal Engineers (Signals) on 7th November, 1914; whether, although his appointment was ear-marked for him, he only received his learner's pay of £1 per week during the whole of his military service; whether on his father's death Mr. Littlejohns was compelled to pay 5s. 3d. weekly towards the separation allowance of 8s. granted to his mother, on the ground that he was enjoying full civil pay; if he is aware that on enlistment Mr. Littlejohns was promised the full civil pay to which he would have been entitled in civil life; and whether, in these circumstances, steps will be taken to compensate this man for his loss of all increments during five years' active service, his loss of the War bonus paid to all men who stayed at home, the War gratuity which he has been refused, and the 5s. 3d. per week which he was compelled to pay on unfair grounds?


No, Sir. Mr. Littlejohns has been treated in accordance with the ordinary practice under which War bonus was not paid to unmarried civil servants while serving with the forces, and officers who became while serving eligible for promotion did not draw the emoluments of the higher rank until their return, when they entered their new scale at the point appropriate to their age or length of service. He has also received the special terms granted to members of the Signal Section, which were on balance distinctly more favourable to him than the ordinary circular terms.