§ Mr. R. RICHARDSON asked the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been called to the conditions of service under which Miss M'Sweeney, of the Rock Street Scale-payment Town Sub-office, Tralee, is being employed; whether Miss M'Sweeney is receiving a total payment of 17s. a week for attendances amounting in the aggregate to 46½ hours a week; whether a Post Office official admits that this pay is quite inadequate, even according to the low standard fixed by his Department; and, in these circumstances, what steps he proposes to take to remedy such a scandalous state of affairs?
§ Mr. ILLINGWORTH: My attention has been called to this matter by the hon. Member for the Wentworth Division of Yorkshire (Mr. Hirst). I have informed him that the question of the pay of the assistant referred to is being discussed with the sub-postmistress.